Sleeping and soothing
Topponcino + 2 covers
Sleeping surface (bassinet / co-sleeper / floor mattress) + 2 sheets
Portable white noise machine
Soft night light
Yoga ball
Noise-cancelling headphones
Simple “baby-powered” baby bouncer
Clothing (in each size)
Wrap-style bodysuits or tops
Zip-up sleepers
Sleeping gowns
Cotton bibs (one size, usually)
Hats (seasonal)
Outerwear/bunting (seasonal)
Disposable diapering
Disposable diapers
Disposable wipes
Trash can and garbage bags
Cloth diapering
Prefolds (sized)
Diaper covers (sized or one-size)
Cloth wipes
Cloth diaper fasteners
Several wet bags
Portable waterproof pad
Small EC potty
From-birth baby carrier
From-birth convertible, rear-facing car seat
Stroller with bassinet attachment
Breast and/or bottle feeding
Nursing bras
Disposable or washable breast pads
Silver breast shields
Silicone milk collector
Containers for milk storage
Insulated bottle(s)
Silicone slow-flow nipples
Bottle brush
Bottle warmer
Hygiene and care
Nail scissors
Soft nail files
Nose sucker
Digital flexible-tip thermometer
Several muslin flat diapers
1-2 hand (baby-sized) towels
Collapsible baby bathtub
Portable fan (seasonal)
Cleansing oil
Neutral castile soap for baby items
Clear and free laundry detergent
Enzyme-based stain remover
Movement + play
Padded yet firm play mat
Low infant shelf
A few baby books
A few simple, passive toys